The Top 10 free website traffic sources for Affiliate Marketing(2019) - larnmore


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Saturday, June 8, 2019

The Top 10 free website traffic sources for Affiliate Marketing(2019)

The Top 10 free website traffic sources for Affiliate Marketing

So are you looking for best free website traffic sources for Affiliate marketing. Okay right now you get online and you are looking to use affiliate marketing to make money online so one of the easiest ways to get up and get running because all you do promote other people products. You get a percentage of that upwards of seventy five maybe even hundred percent of the profits coming in when you promote it on a link.

Don’t need a website you don’t need email list you don’t need any skills. You just promote those links you make money. So I’m going to give you 10 traffic sources because its easy to find your affiliate link so you can go to clickbank. You can go to offer vault you can find and affiliate link that’s really the easy part. The hard part is really finding traffic to put in front of those links. Okay so I want to give 10 sources . So number one is going to be YouTube right here.


YouTube is one of the best ways to generate free traffic. You can get front of the camera like this or you can just  take your PowerPoint slides use Camtasia use ScreenFlow to record your screen oaky once you do that then you can put the link in the description below and then you can start getting free traffic. So the next one  is  facebook  groups.

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02.Facebook Groups

So facebook groups are where tons of tons of your customer audience are going to hang out so if you have a link that’s if you have affiliate link that’s around health and fitness you want to go find groups of people that are looking to lose weight they are looking to get fit places like that you go in there you be active you post great content and then every once in a while you can post your affiliate link. Don’t just go into you know just spamming your link trying to make money be active be given valuable information and then you can put your link in there every once in a while. Okay so that next one I’m going to be blogging.


 free website traffic sources

So blogging has been one of the best ways to really for a long time to generate free traffic. Now blogging takes time because you know with anything of these free traffic sources that you do it take time. Blogging is something that union if you are going to start today you can take a wordpress blog you can start writing content. You can gear it around a particular niche like fitness or dating or make money or biz off thing like that you can put content around that and you can put your links and slide the content and then over time Google is going to take your blog post and its going to put it in the search result and you can start to get free traffic coming in from Google. It’s a great way to generate free traffic and blogging.  It’s one of the best ways to do it I recommend if going to be blogging that you start off with a 60 day or a 90 blitz where you just everyday you create a blog post and put it on your blog that way what it does it shows Google that you are active and that you are creating this content and they are to start rewarding you with more traffic. Okay the next one is going to be reddit.


So reddit is its another like kind of like a Facebook group it’s a community of people that get together and talk about certain topics when you get In there you can go in there and you post valuable content and you can post your link every once in a while just don’t get to spamming there because they will delete you out of there pretty quick. If you are not really familiar with reddit there some good providers on Fivver to go and you can find good provides there and they will help you with your reddit posting for like $5 they will actually do some posting for you. That could be an option for you but again it’s just one of those things where you really have to be creating value inside of the reddit community before you can post your link okay. The next one’s going to be weebly.


Weebly actually Weebly is going to be another kind of platform where you can post content. It’s a great place to post content again this is going to take time you got to really take your content and put it up on the Weebly platform and let Google take results put them in the search engine and then when people searching around they can click on the link go to your website and they can see your information.


So tumblers been around a while Yahoo bought up tumblr for like a billion dollars a couple years ago  I was crazy tumblr has a lot of great traffic for weight loss fitness thing like that so there are a lot of good traffic in there dating is another good option for tumblr. But it’s a again it’s just another place to post your content and then the community inside teller will see it go want to click on your affiliate links and also Google will rank your tumblr pages and people click on that and go to your page.


 free website traffic sources

Pinterest is a photo sharing community where you can upload photos to Pinterest it’s actually a great community for the tons of women on there so if you have a passion product or a clothing product or weight loss product. Pinterest is going to be a great community to post things on there so you can post pictures and then you can have a link at the bottom of that.

 The one thing I like about YouTube and tumblr and all of this like reddit all that content lives inside of there forever so you could post a piece of content today and then like five or six years from now and still be getting traffic from that content that’s what I like about Youtube and Blogging and things like that it’s what don’t like about Facebook is when you post the content it only lasts for just a little you know a couple hours and then it’s gone and nobody sees it anymore.


Okay so Twitter is going to be one of those things where you have to be posting all the time. Twitter is every two hours you got to post do every two hours on Twitter you have to post you are probably saying well I’m not going to be able to it every two hours and that’s fine just go to Google and find a automated poster so you automate your Twitter post and then you can automate those to go out every two hours of just doing a Google search for that.


Instagram is one of those thing where you have to constantly be on top of it all the time you can post there or four posts a day and then one of the like six posts you can say hey click my link I the bio go get some more information about your product you have or service but instagram takes time you have to really build up a channel you got to be posting content all the time it’s not for everybody but it is a great platform  to use.


Forums are still very good a lot of the forums out there will allow you to put a signature in the post. So every time you post there’s a link in the signature that link and go to wherever you want it to go straight to your affiliate link all you got to do is go to Google and type In forums plus you whatever your niche is and you will see a tons of forms out there find ones that are really active and then find ones that allows you to have your link inside the you know signature file if you can find one of those that’s goal it’s a great place to do it it’s one of those ones that have been around for you forever and they will still continue to drive traffic to that. Best way to get more traffic.

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