how to use pinterest 6 tips 2019 - larnmore


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Friday, June 21, 2019

how to use pinterest 6 tips 2019

how to use pinterest 6 tips 2019

 If you are looking for some food porn or decorating ideas, then pinterest is a great site, printerest it is also an easy tool for the organization. There are several different ways to organize your life or use it to show special interest to others. It's all about taking account for you and starting making "board". There are six ideas to start using Pinterest.

how to use pinterest

1.How to use printerest : Travel Planning

There may be a lot of information floating around in your head while planning holidays or planning for business. You need to decide on a hotel and flight, and even a destination. We recently did that when planning a cruise that year. We are just in the process of the beginning, but have booked the cruise. But now we need a hotel for the city from which we will depart a flight to go there, etc. It will come later, but I started pinning because I was also reducing my parents and sister along with my cabin and sister-in-law who we are traveling. I chose to make it "secret" board, because it is only for my use. 

2.How to use pinterest : Wedding Planning

As soon as you can plan your trip, you can plan your wedding. There is so much planning to do that people often require a person in charge of marriage plans, and sometimes they need the whole team. Whether you are doing it yourself or planning someone else, you should have a central place to keep your thoughts for gowns, halls, guest lists, menus, pledges, flowers etc. You also want to make even different boards for each separate job requiring planning.

3.How to use pinterest : Game fan

Do you want to show your favorite sports team? You can pin photos to your collection in a collection in your collection, even if it's baseball, football, basketball or hockey. This is a great way to look back on the weather, whether it is full of loss or victory. It will be time to make a board public. It will also work to follow your favorite actor, actress or musician.

4.How to use pinterest : To view or read movies or books

It can be hard to remember which books you want to read or what movies you want to watch. Creating a public or secret board will be a perfect way to keep track of them. Whenever you are interested, you can add movies or books then carry it out of the list while completing it. With Pinterest working on iOS device, Android and Internet, you can manage your list anywhere.

5.How to use pinterest : Technology

Are you having difficulty in deciding what to buy when it comes to technology? Put all your research on Pinterest board. Whether you are shopping for a new computer, a cell phone or a tablet, there are several options. Maybe you cannot decide between an iPhone and Android. You can pin things that you like most about each phone, and then compare your two lists. It will be very easy to make decisions with the benefit of every right in front of you.

6.How to use pinterest : Gift Giver

When trying to make a decision to get someone as a gift it is right to make a secret Pinterest board. You can pin all your thoughts on the board, then finally do not forget to buy gifts. This will be especially easy when shopping for Christmas gifts. As a way of remembering, you can pin whatever people buy in your list, or you can create a board for each person with all your thoughts. Either way it would be very helpful.

25 Proceedings Tips on how to start using Pinterest for business

There are 53 million unique monthly Pinterest users in the United States, and Forbes reports that XMX% is about 22% of all Americans about twitter before and LinkedIn is equivalent to twitter. When it comes to marketing on Pinterest, many businesses get stuck and do not know where to start from. Here are some quick suggestions that you can start using Pinterest for business and can be afraid of Pinterest marketing for almost any business. 

How to use pinterest : Cover image

With the board title on the image, select an aggregate cover image for all your boards.

How to use pinterest : Pins

You can pin gifts and videos, as well as regular images. Be sure to ensure the three for a good variety. Pin regularly and make routine daily (at least 1-2 times per week).

How to use pinterest : Title

Be really specific with your boards and include a clear title. For example, boards like "delicious dessert" and "easy dinner ideas" will generally perform better than a board called "recipes".

How to use pinterest : Categories

Make sure all your board and pin categories are correct, so when users are browsing they can easily find them.

How to use pinterest : Hashtags

You can use hashtags on Pinterest. Make sure you use 2-3 max per pin and keep words, do not make words, like #reallygoodideaforsummer.

How to use pinterest : Verification

Verify your website and add your Twitter account to add authenticity.

How to use pinterest : Help

Invite your power users or community to a shared board for cooperation or constructive brain hurricanes.
Display your company culture. A board that shares images from your office or company's programs to make your business and its employees human. 

How to use pinterest : Pin this button

To make sharing as easy as possible, install the Pin It button on all your e-commerce pages.

How to use pinterest : Use Alt Tag

Ensure that all the images present on your website are alt tags so that they can be easily pinned (auto populates the description field for alt tag pin).

How to use pinterest : Pin your articles / newsletters

Automatically pinch all your blog posts or newsletters to each specific board or in your applicable category.

How to use pinterest : Keep the title on the images

The pins on which the blog posts are titled, they are more likely to share, because they show what they are adding. Create a featured image for your blog post on the title using tools like PicMonkey or Canva. You can also add your company or blog logo in the corner on a transparent background. Here's an example from Buzzfeed

How to use pinterest : Pin Infographics & Chart

Studies have shown that the more space a pin takes, the more likely it is. See Infographics or useful (and colorful) charts that you can pin.

How to use pinterest : Repine

Follow your customers' Pinterest boards and make it a point to show your pins regularly, so that they can show you what they do.

How to use pinterest : Display Pinterest on your website

Add a Pinterest button and profile widget to either your sidebar or footer on your website.

How to use pinterest : Reply and attach

Make sure you answer comments and questions on your PIN. You can tag usernames in comments such as twitter and facebook
How to use pinterest : Fill new board

When creating new boards, make sure you pin at least 10 images together so that it fills up on your profile. 5 is the fullest minimum.

How to use pinterest : Use the "follow board you love" tool

Use the "Follow the Favorite Boards" tool to follow boards and users. Hopefully, like Twitter, they will follow you.

How to use pinterest : Use "Everything" Search

Use "Everything" to find pins outside of your next boards (like Twitter, the Home Feed is only a PIN from the users you follow). This can help you gain more visibility because when a person pins or follows them, users are notified.

How to use pinterest : Search hashtags

Search through the popular industry terms hashtags to follow, pin or connect more users.
How to use pinterest : Step out of the box

Since Pinterest is about being creative, think outside your industry box. For example, the likelihood of an ergonomic cushion maker is a target audience, which is also in healthy life, so health recipes or exercises will be good pins for them.

How to use pinterest : Host competitions

Organize a competition for creative DIY with your products. Change them in a blog post with a pin-able how-to photo.

How to use pinterest : Use PinAlerts

Whenever someone pins something from your website, use pinlars to get an email, so that you can thank them through comments or follow your boards.

How to use pinterest : Complete your profile

Make sure you fill out your profile bio and photo. Change this to reflect new promotional or branding campaigns. When it comes down, any company's strategy (no matter what industry they are in) should be based on presenting a creative and fun side, without selling their own push or sale products. . Think of the creative methods of presenting your products and services in tutorials or other content, and it will work better than pinning your latest ad 

In addition, not all businesses will know that Pinterest is a good fit for them. Do not try to force it with any social network! Remember, users can tell that when a company is doing online, the company is not passionate or authentic.


These are some ideas to start with Pinterest, without using it to post pictures of food or decorating ideas. Do you have any additional ideas? Let us know in the comments below.

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