Best way to make money online 2019 (update) - larnmore


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Saturday, June 8, 2019

Best way to make money online 2019 (update)

Best way to make money online 2018-2019

Best way to make money online here we are sharing  with you how to make money best way. Here we share our best top way to make money online at home 2018-2019. If you share something with us please comment.

1.Bitcoin Mining

How to make money with bitcoin mining.What is bitcoin mining. Bitcoin operates as a peer to peer network. This means that everyone who uses Bitcoin I a tiny fraction of the bank of Bitcoin. But where do bitcoin come from? With paper money a government decides when to point and distribute money. Bitcoin doesn’t have a central government. With bitcoin miners use special software to solve math problems. And are issued a certain number a bitcoin in exchange. This provides a smart way to issue the currency.

 And also creates an incentive for more money people to mine. Since miners are request to approve bitcoin transaction more miners means secure networks. The bitcoin network automatically changes the difficulty of the math problems depending on how fast they are being solved. In the early days bitcoin miners solved these math problems with the processors and their computers. Soon miners discovered that graphics card used for gaming were much better suited to this kind of working.

best way to make money

The graphics cards are faster they use more electricity and generate a lot of heat. The first commercial bitcoin mining products included chips that were reprogrammed for mining bitcoin. These chips were faster but still power hungry. ASIC or application specific integrated circuit, chips are designed specifically for bitcoin mining. ASIC technology has made a bitcoin mining ever faster while using less power. As the popularity of bitcoin increases, more mining join the network making it more difficult for individuals to solve the math problems.

To overcome this mining have developer a way to work together in pools. Pools of miners find solution faster than their individual members and each miner is rewarded proportionate to the amount of works he or she provides. Mining is an important and integral part of bitcoin that ensures fairness while keeping the bitcoin networks stable safe and secure.

 2.How to make money on affiliate marketing

All right Amazon Affiliate marketing for beginners and here are the reason why I recommend that beginner start the journey through Amazon Affiliate marketing. So reason number one is that if you want to be a successful affiliate if you have to be successful affiliate marketer you have to some salesmanship ability.

If you are not using Amazon affiliate marketing so if you thinking about doing Clickbank you are thinking about mobile marketing all the stuff you need to know how to sell take people through the process of being a cold lead to a warm buyer now with Amazon you don’t need to do that there are specific strategies that I teach in my deadbeat supper affiliate system that lets you target people that are already buyers

 so you don’t have to go through this month long process of warming up a lead you can specifically target people that are already in the buying process because of that you can direct them right to Amazon and let Amazon  do all the selling for you Amazon has spent a lot of time perfecting their website and beginning people into that buying mind set and if you go with Amazon to Amazon affiliate network as a beginner all you have to worry about getting people from everywhere.
best way to make money

You don’t need to do all this you know warm up process just get people to Amazon do all the heavy lifting for you. Alright so that’s reason number one so the reason number two is that you can actually make a lot of money selling products that you are not really pitching what I mean by that is like let’s say you have a site on audio equipment you are and audio nut and you are reviewed all kinds of microphones that you recommend to different people so what will happen is someone will go to Amazon and  they may or may not buy the product that you recommend but usually what happens Is they land on Amazon.

And they are buy anything and when the buy stuff right there at the moment or within next 24 hours you get commission on all the other stuff they buy. Alright so as a beginner this is a great way to pull  in little like side affiliate sales even if they don’t buy the stuff that you pitching arts so this is reason number two.

And the reason number three this is my most favorite reason is that is all about competition all right now with Amazon because there are new products and new niches popping up literally every single day you don’t have to worry about niches being over saturated because there’s dozens of new niches popping up every single day all right now Amazon because there’s I was I don’t have millions of different products on there at this point you have all this these option to grab low hanging fruit off the internet so there’s a lot of that on Amazon.

As a beginner since you are not going to have the extreme marketing skill  to do the big stuff there’s little thing you can grab that are just floating around easy to grab now a lot of experts kind of skip  past all this because they are on a way higher level  at this point they don’t really care about making two three or four or even five hundred dollars a month with a single site they are looking for fifty thousand a hundred thousand dollars a month in commission so because of that the experts are out there over here and like Clickbank and all that meanwhile with Amazon you just kind of scoot in right under the radar and just pick up all the scraps that they don’t really care about now as a beginner this is allows you to build up your confidence in the affiliate marketing business.
best way to make money

I mean right now if you are beginner you  might not even be in the mind state that you can actually make money online you might not even believe it’s possible I mean lot of people start like that and with Amazon this will give you that realization and witthe confidence that you can do it alright so beginners always recommend started h Amazon.

3.Drop Shipping

So what is Drop Shipping you probably hear all the time about this brand new method of making money online without really putting any money up or without holding any inventory this is what that is Drop Shipping is seems like an elaborate system but it’s really not and it’s quite simple so if you allow me to explain here as you can see over here we have your supplier so that’s you are going to be purchasing a wholesale from and keep in mind there are two different prices inside there’s wholesale and there’s retail. 
best way to make money

Wholesale is what you the seller is buying for and retail is what you are selling for so your customer over  here buys retail price and you buy wholesale price so here is how they system works. First you purchase or you find the product from a supplier so you go on Aliexpress or ebay or even any American Drop Shipping companies and so you just find the products so you find your products and you list it on your webstore and keep in mind you are buying this product for wholesale say 2$ a piece and you are selling it to your customers for retail say 12$ a piece okay the next step is your customers buys the product from you.

So your customers goes to your store and they are buys the 12$ priced item. Next steps is you take that order and you send it to the supplier so once the supplier has your order what they do then is they directly ship to your customers what this mean is throughout this whole process you are not touching a single piece of inventory all you are doing you are hosting this service and driving the traffic to it you are driving the customers to your store and then you are sending the order from your store to the supplier and they take care of the rest. Very simple and very easy to do.

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