Grow Your Twitter Following Quickly Become A Marketer
You want to grow your Twitter following quickly Become A Marketer. Hey guys here I’m talking about growing a Twitter following at no matter what level. So if you are at zero followers or if you are at a hundred followers, a thousand, a hundred no matter. Twitter is one of the hundred most popular sites on the web according to, So why aren’t you getting more traffic from Twitter? So today I’m going to teach you how to get more Twitter traffic fast. There’s lot of ways that you can get more Twitter traffic fast.
The number one thing that we need to cover before we talk about anything else is why you want to grow your Twitter followers? Do you want to grow it to gain exposure, to drive business, to be a part of the community out there, to get your thoughts out there? Great, I love that. That’s the way you should work it. So Twitter is like any social media, you get what you put in. And if you put in love and you put in time, and you put in effort, and you put in good intention then that all comes back to you. So I really applaud any business person or any person for that matter that are on these communities to do that.
So after that’s been said, the number two thing that I do to grow a following is put out good content. Now this might be something that you say, “Well, that’s a given.” But I see so many people that don’t follow this rule. Now it doesn’t mean that you have to put out your own original content all the time, that’s not what I’m saying. What I’m saying is that you have to find you audience. Find out what to touch, and provide good content that fits that. If you are kind of all over the place, you are providing like if you are like it depends on what you are into. But if say if you are into video games and you are into Star Wars and you are into marketing.
It’s okay that you share things like that, it’s okay that you share those 3 things, but you just have to know limits on those things. You have to sort of box them in and say. “Okay, well, most of my audience is going to be marketing people and I want to use to for business.” Or say you are a huge Star Wars fan or you want to do affiliate marketing and you want to grow Star Wars community, affiliate marketing, then that’s what you would post, right.
You can always sprinkle in things of your personality, things that are about who you are. But you just have to think a little about the ratio, Okay? So think a little bit about that. Personally me, I do mostly marketing, mostly business. I would say maybe 10% of what I post is personal, maybe even 2% is about the affiliate marketing product. So I consciously have thought about what my ratios are and l play to do that, and you should too.
You can always sprinkle in things of your personality, things that are about who you are. But you just have to think a little about the ratio, Okay? So think a little bit about that. Personally me, I do mostly marketing, mostly business. I would say maybe 10% of what I post is personal, maybe even 2% is about the affiliate marketing product. So I consciously have thought about what my ratios are and l play to do that, and you should too.
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So next thing is, let’s go back. Let’s talk more about good content. Because you can find good content and what I do to find good content is just search the web, look on good blogs, read a lot, find good content, find out other thought leaders in your space that have good content, follow them, see what they are posting, post similar things, maybe have a angle on it that’s different.
But it really is about finding, and until you start producing your own content other people’s content is fine, like don’t get me wrong, that’s what Twitter is about, that’s what Twitter is about, that’s what sharing is about. If everyone stopped posting other people’s content, there would be no point in sharing things. I mean that would just take social down completely. I myself I probably share 80% of other people’s content and normally 20% of my content. So think about that. Until you get your own content up and running, share other people’s.
But it really is about finding, and until you start producing your own content other people’s content is fine, like don’t get me wrong, that’s what Twitter is about, that’s what Twitter is about, that’s what sharing is about. If everyone stopped posting other people’s content, there would be no point in sharing things. I mean that would just take social down completely. I myself I probably share 80% of other people’s content and normally 20% of my content. So think about that. Until you get your own content up and running, share other people’s.
Next, your own content. Okay,this can be difficult to get started. A lot of us have trouble…A lot of you out there probably have trouble finding your own voice, finding out what to do on Twitter, what to do on your blog, what to do on instagram, what is your voice, what do you want to say, what is your angle? This is extremely difficult. I mean, some of the biggest brands in the world haven’t figure out what is their content strategy, what is their angle, what is their voice. So think about that.
We are talking about brands with millions of dollars that haven’t figured this out yet. So setting that bar is pretty high. And I want you to remember that. You are not going to hit home runs out of the park when you first step up the bat, you are going to hit some singles, you are going to hit some foul balls. But the point is that you have to get started, thinking about writing a blog, thinking about producing videos, thinking about producing snapchats, think about producing instagrams and just get started doing it and you’ll find your voice.
And don’t be afraid to copy a little bit. Okay, some of the greatest artists in the world, that’s where they started. When they were learning to point they were painting other people’s painting. Not a lot of great artists just started, you know, if you look at a band for example, where do you start when you start being a musician, you start by playing cover songs. You start by listening to the greats and replicating them. The same holds true for content. If you haven’t made content yet, look at the other people’s and steal, copy, make a little bit of a different slant on it. And listen, have big ears.
I mean, some of the best musicians in the world have said, they have big ears because they listen to everything. They listen to classical music, they listen to reggae, they listen to rap, they listen to rock, and they took pieces of it to make their own sound. The police, classic example, punk, reggae, pop, jazz, and I think that’s how you create good content. You have big ears and listen and learn from the pros and make you own voice, it will come. Trust me, A year of doing your own thing or you are stealing, you’ll find your voice.
The next tip that I have for you for growing your twitter following no matter what is people like engagement. Now this comes in a couple of different forms. This comes in re-tweeting, favoriting, and following other people’s content and also commenting on them, replying. And there are a few things that you can do to build a following fast. If you already have a large following then you have the ability to follow more people without Twitter raising a red flag because there’s some certain limits that Twitter puts on you if you are at a certain amount of followers that you can’t follow anymore until you bring your following then you don’t have this problem, you can follow a lot of people.
And if you already have large following you probably don’t need to follow that much anymore to grow you’re following. If you are starting really from scratch I recommend you follow a lot of people. Follow the maximum, follow 2,000 people in your industry that have potential to follow you back, you are not going to follow, if you follow a big giant social media guru or if you are in the space of industrial design, you don’t go following jon lve or something like that. You have to follow people that are probably at your weight class or a little higher and then they’ll follow back if you are posting interesting content. And that’s how you really get things going. And I recommend you use a couple of different apps.
One app that I love is CrowdFire, so Check them out. You can basically search for other people that are in your industry and then follow their followers very easily just on the iPhone or the Android, I believe it’s on Android as well. So check up that app out. So follow those people that are following people that you are interested in as well in your industry. And then the other thing is reply to them, engage with them, re-tweet, favorite, video reply. A great thing about twitter replies now is when you do it you have to stand out a little bit. I mean, if you just constantly just favorite, favorite, favorite.
That’s probably olay, but if you really want to stand out, if you really want to make a difference in people’s lives and grab them then you need to reply in a great and memorable way. So think about how you do that. You can use gifs, I use gifs all the time to reply to people, I use to find some awesome gifs and then I reply with a gif, I reply with emoticons. Emoticons are brilliant ways to like really put a lot of language in such a small amount of time. So think about that.
That’s probably olay, but if you really want to stand out, if you really want to make a difference in people’s lives and grab them then you need to reply in a great and memorable way. So think about how you do that. You can use gifs, I use gifs all the time to reply to people, I use to find some awesome gifs and then I reply with a gif, I reply with emoticons. Emoticons are brilliant ways to like really put a lot of language in such a small amount of time. So think about that.
Let’s go over the next way in case you are lucky and you have a lot of followers like me I have over 200,000 followers. What you can do is if you are like me, tweet 10 times a day. I kid you not. Going from tweeting once a day to 10 times a day like sharing more than 10 articles from your website each and every single day for a whole month and you want to continually do that for a whole year.
Even if it’s old content from a year ago, you can keep sharing the same ones over and over again. Just go through all your old blog posts and put them in order. You can queue them up from Buffer and that way, you don’t have to go into Twitter each and every single day and share. When I was sharing one link from on Twitter each and every single day, I receive roughly 1200 to 1800 visitors from Twitter in the whole month. When I started tweeting out 10 articles a day on Twitter, I receive over 5000 to 5500 visitors. That’s a huge increase. In essence, if you want more traffic from Twitter, continually tweet out. It’s that simple.
Even if it’s old content from a year ago, you can keep sharing the same ones over and over again. Just go through all your old blog posts and put them in order. You can queue them up from Buffer and that way, you don’t have to go into Twitter each and every single day and share. When I was sharing one link from on Twitter each and every single day, I receive roughly 1200 to 1800 visitors from Twitter in the whole month. When I started tweeting out 10 articles a day on Twitter, I receive over 5000 to 5500 visitors. That’s a huge increase. In essence, if you want more traffic from Twitter, continually tweet out. It’s that simple.
Now if you don’t have followers, here’s a quick trick that you can use. Write a blog post any topic. Make sure it’s amazing and good. It’s thorough, 2000 plus words someone can read it. It’s actionable. They are learning from it. If you do that, then people are going to be like, “This post is amazing, I won’t mind sharing it”. But that’s not the trick. What the trick is, is you go to Type in keywords related to the article that you just wrote. Buzzsumo will sort out all the similar articles and they will list out who wrote that and how many social shares it received and you can see there every single person who tweeted out that article.
Let’s say I’m writing an article on Google Analytics and how it’s amazing. I may go to Buzzsumo, type in terms related to online marketing and see who else has written topics related to Google Analytics. There is an article that you could see from TechCrunch. It’s on “How Google Analytics Screwed Up Marketing.” That article has thousand of social shares.
I then can write a better article talking about “How Google Analytics Made the Lives of Marketers Better.” I can go into depth on how Google Analytics is amazing. People should be using it, tactics that they can get from using it. They can even go into depth on things like, how to analyze your Google Analytics data to optimize your ROI especially on any paid marketing campaigns. Once you click on View shares and you see every person who shared that article, you want to hit them up. Go to their Twitter profile, Google and find their email, then you want to shoot them an email.
I then can write a better article talking about “How Google Analytics Made the Lives of Marketers Better.” I can go into depth on how Google Analytics is amazing. People should be using it, tactics that they can get from using it. They can even go into depth on things like, how to analyze your Google Analytics data to optimize your ROI especially on any paid marketing campaigns. Once you click on View shares and you see every person who shared that article, you want to hit them up. Go to their Twitter profile, Google and find their email, then you want to shoot them an email.
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